about Pioneer Lakes

Residential Community
Pioneer Lakes is a quality residential Master planned estate ideally situated adjoining Mirani Township. It is only a short walk or bike ride to the heart of the Mirani and is nestled within a scenic rural backdrop of canelands and framed by the mountains which form the edge of the Pioneer Valley.
The series of lakes, wetlands, over 42 acres of parklands and around 6 kilometres of walkways and bikeways are the central feature of the estate and set a benchmark in environmental design and sustainability.
With five Stages consisting of 250 homes and the four large Lakes System already completed, Pioneer Lakes is well established and will ultimately comprise around 900 dwellings.
More To Love
There is an enviable mix of residential home sites ranging from 600m2 to 6275m2 with the majority being 700m2 to 800m2.
Families continue to be drawn to Pioneer Lakes to take advantage of its idyllic location, landscape setting and the sense of community connectedness that has been achieved through careful planning.
Pioneer Lakes has achieved the perfect balance of an estate that offers affordable home sites without compromising on quality.
Lakes and Parklands
The lakes and wetlands embrace and enhance the semi-rural open character of the broader locality and provide a refuge for water birds during the drier winter months. The lakes and associated wetland systems have been carefully designed to improve stormwater quality outcomes and take account of the local weather patterns.
The adoption of best practice planning tools such as separation buffers and large rural residential lots ensures Pioneer Lakes has been devised to minimise impact with ongoing sugarcane farming activities, which are a driver of the local economy.
The creation of the lakes and wetland system not only improves the quality of stormwater by reducing the amount of pollution entering our waterways but also creates an environmentally friendly focal point for residents of Pioneer Lakes and the surrounding areas to enjoy.
The Pioneer Lakes system has been engineered to ensure the water level in the lakes is maintained by utilising a supplementary lake located nearby. Water quality is maintained through an innovative combination of engineering, water circulation and natural wetland plantings to act as filters.

The lakes act as a haven for native birds and wildlife and form part of the development’s unique attraction. Native and drought-tolerant plantings are used wherever possible throughout the estate to form a sympathetic link to the region’s natural surroundings and to ensure presentation is maintained to a high standard.
This is Living